ZIDIA Gift set Cluster Lashes "Aphrodite"
ZIDIA Gift set Cluster Lashes "Aphrodite" - a great solution for creating a perfect look, because it contains 6 pairs of top false eyelash bundles, tweezers and glue to work with them.
Be perfect with ZIDIA light!
The set includes:
- ZIDIA Cluster lashes fish tail 12D C 0.10 Mix M (3 strips, size 9, 10, 11 mm)
- ZIDIA Cluster lashes 10D C 0.10 Mix S (3 strips, size 8, 9, 10 mm)
- ZIDIA Cluster lashes 10D C 0.10 Mix M (3 strips, size 9, 10, 11 mm)
- ZIDIA Cluster lashes 20D C 0.10 Mix M (3 strips, size 9, 10, 11 mm)
- ZIDIA Cluster lashes 20D C 0.10 Mix S (3 strips, size 8, 9, 10 mm)
- ZIDIA Cluster lashes fish tail 12D C 0.10 Mix S (3 strips, size 8, 9, 10 mm)
- ZIDIA Latex Free Lash Adhesive - glue for false eyelashes and bundles (transparent), 15 ml
- ZIDIA Rose Gold Eyelash Tweezers
- Cosmetic case ZIDIA "Pisa" 24*11*11 cm
Length - 240 mm
width - 110 mm
height - 110 mm
Application method:
- Prepare all tools in advance. The bundles themselves, a magnifying glass, glue and tweezers. If you can handle false eyelashes without tweezers, then with tufts of tweezers you need to stick them as close as possible to the lash line. In the process, you need to see where you are gluing, and your fingers will block the entire view at the most relevant moment.
- Prepare your natural eyelashes. Curl natural eyelashes with eyelash curlers and, if desired, apply mascara before the procedure, so that it is more convenient to paint the eyelashes from the very roots.
- Now the fun begins! Dip the base of the bundle into a small amount of glue (a drop will be enough). Do not try to apply as much glue as possible to the base "for the strength of the result", otherwise you risk contaminating the eyelid and sticking the eyelashes badly. In this case, you will need quite a bit of it to glue the eyelash as neatly but firmly as possible. If you chose the glue specifically for eyelash bundles, then you can not wait 20 seconds for the glue to become more sticky, but glue immediately.
- Next, you need to choose a place on the interlash row where you want to stick them. And then glue them, pressing lightly to fix their location. Next, you will need to repeat the same with other bundles, moving closer to the inner eyelid.

Часті питання
1. Через офіційний сайт zidiaofficial.com
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➙ Після успішного оформлення замовлення ви отримаєте автоматичне підтвердження на вказану вами пошту. Це означає, що невдовзі з вами зв’яжеться менеджер, за вказаним вами номером телефону та зорієнтує вас по термінах та вартості доставки.
* Якщо у вас виникнуть питання/проблеми щодо замовлення ви можете врегулювати їх з менеджером та в разі потреби скасувати замовлення й отримати повернення коштів.
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