Warning!!! Please read these terms and conditions carefully before viewing this site. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this site. Use of this site, including the completion of various forms, applications, as well as your order of goods / services using this site means your consent to the terms of this User Agreement.

Terms used in this User Agreement:

- Administration - administration of the website of the online store

- Website - website of the online store, including all web pages; The owner of the online store is "ZIDIA".

- Agreement - given user agreement.

- Seller - a legal entity or a natural person-entrepreneur who places on the Site information about the goods / services sold by him. The Seller may be either the Administration or any other person to whom the Site Administration has granted permission to post information about the goods / services of such person. The name of the Seller is indicated in the documents for the transfer of the Goods to the Recipient (acceptance certificate or other documents confirming the fact of transfer of the Goods to the Recipient).

- Goods - goods, services, works, property rights, other tangible and intangible objects, information about which is posted on the Site.

- User - a person who views the information on the Site and / or orders and / or receives the Goods using the tools of the Site. The Recipient and the Payer are Users.

- Order - appeal of the User through the Site to the Seller with a request to sell the Goods, as well as a set of Goods ordered by the User.

- Payer - the person who pays for the Order.

- Recipient - the person specified by the Payer as the person authorized to receive the Goods in accordance with the Order. Unless otherwise specified in the Order form, the Recipient is the Payer

- Offer - information posted on the Site about a specific Product that can be purchased by the consumer. The Offer includes: information about the product itself, information about its price, methods of payment and delivery, as well as other conditions of purchase of the Product by the consumer. The terms of the Offer are determined by the Seller. The offer is not an offer, but only information about possible conditions of purchase of the Goods.


1.1. The site is a platform for posting offers for the sale of Goods by Sellers.

1.2. This Agreement is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Site, the User is considered to have joined this Agreement.

1.3. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes take effect from the moment the new version of the Agreement is posted on the website.

1.4. The offer on the Site is not an offer. However, after reviewing the Offer, the User has the right to make an offer to the Seller (Sellers) by filling out the Order form. Completion of the Order form is considered an offer of the User to the Seller (Sellers) for the purchase by the User of the relevant Goods under the conditions specified in the Offer.

1.5. The User understands that his offer is forwarded by the Administration to the Seller selected by the Administration. This provision in no way implies that the Administration acts as an agent of the Seller and / or assumes any responsibility for the execution of the Order by the Seller.

1.6. The offer is considered accepted by the Seller if the latter has performed actions that indicate acceptance of the User's offer, namely: actually shipped the goods, started providing services or performing works in accordance with the conditions provided by the User's offer.

1.7. Upon receipt of the User's offer, the Seller has the right to offer to purchase the Goods on terms other than those provided by the User's offer. In this case, such an offer is considered a counter-offer and must be accepted by the User. Acceptance of the counter-offer is considered to be the actual receipt by the User (Recipient) of the Goods on the terms stipulated by the counter-offer. The Seller has the right to withdraw such counter-offer until the moment of delivery of the goods to the Buyer.

1.8. Sufficient proof of acceptance of the offer by the Seller or counter-offer (ie, agreement by the Parties on all material terms of sale of the Goods) is the actual receipt and acceptance of the Goods by the Recipient.

1.9. It is not considered acceptance by the Seller of the User's Offer to send by the Seller and / or the Administration by means of electrical (sms-notification, e-mail, telephone, etc.) or other communication the Seller's / Administration's notice of receipt of the User's Order and / or terms of its receipt and / or about the price of the Goods. This message is only a notice of receipt by the Seller of the User's offer (but not of its acceptance) and contains a reproduction of the terms of the offer provided by the User.

1.10. The only means of reimbursement provided to the User in case of non-compliance with the actual conditions of sale of the offer is to give the User (Recipient) the right to refuse to receive and accept the goods and demand a refund of the price paid for it. were paid by the Payer). The Recipient has the right to exercise this right until the signing of documents confirming receipt of the Goods (including the carrier's documents on delivery of the shipment with the Goods to the Recipient).

1.11. The moment of receipt and acceptance of the Goods by the Recipient is the moment (depending on which came earlier):

- signing by the Recipient of the act of acceptance-transfer of the Goods (or another document equivalent in content, confirming the fact of transfer of the Goods to the Recipient), or

- signing by the Recipient of the carrier's documents confirming the fact of receipt of the shipment containing the Goods, or

- the actual receipt by the Recipient of the Goods and the performance by the Recipient of actions indicating acceptance of the Goods (the Recipient received the Goods and left the point of delivery of the goods, etc.).


1.12.1. The information in the Goods is contained on the Goods themselves, its packaging, in the accompanying documents for the Goods. Information about the Goods may also be provided remotely (by telephone, by posting information about the Goods on the Site). The User confirms his consent to receive information about the Goods by means of remote communication +38 (099) 055-53-80.

1.12.2. Upon receipt of the Goods, prior to signing the documents confirming receipt of the Goods, the Recipient is obliged to read the information about the Goods contained in the Goods and / or packaging and / or in the accompanying documents. If it is necessary to obtain additional information about the Goods, the Recipient is obliged to contact the Seller and receive the necessary information by remote communication until the Recipient accepts the Goods.

1.12.3. The price for the Goods specified in the Offer is approximate.


1.13.1. The conditions specified in the Offer are preconditions for the purchase of the Goods. The terms of the Offer may be changed by the Seller, including after acceptance of the Order for execution. Specific conditions of sale of the Goods by the Seller may be determined and changed by the Seller until the moment of transfer of the Goods to the Recipient.

1.13.2. In case of obsolescence of materials (including the terms of the Offer) on the Site, the Administration does not undertake to update them. Under no circumstances shall the Administration be liable for any loss (including, but not limited to, loss from loss of profits, data or interruption of business activity) resulting from the use, inability to use or results of use of this Site.

1.13.3. The Seller's liability for changes in the terms of purchase of the Goods in comparison with those specified in the Offer is limited by the fact that the Recipient (User, Payer) has the right to refuse to purchase the Goods and demand a refund (if paid).

1.13.4. In any case, the amount of damages (both tangible and intangible) that may be paid to the User (Payer, Recipient) in connection with the violation of his rights when using the Site (including in connection with non-compliance Order or its improper performance, other violations of the rights of the User) in accordance with Art. 22 of the Civil code of Ukraine is limited to the sum of ten hryvnias.

1.13.5. The goods for which the warranty period is set are subject to warranty obligations in accordance with the conditions specified in the warranty card and / or in the information materials of the manufacturer. If, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, a warranty period is to be established for the Goods, but it is not established by the manufacturer, the warranty period for such Goods shall be considered equal to three days.

1.13.6. The User is responsible for the veracity of the data specified in the Order form. If the inaccurate (incorrect) data in the order has led to additional costs of the Seller associated with the delivery of the Goods to the wrong address or delivery of the Goods to the wrong Recipient, all related losses and costs are borne by the User. The Seller has the right to deduct the amount of such losses or expenses from the amounts paid by the Payer as payment for the Goods (to offset counterclaims).


2.1. The User undertakes to carefully read this Agreement. In case of disagreement with its terms, the User undertakes to immediately stop using the Site.

2.2. The user agrees not to take actions that may be considered as violating Ukrainian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to infringement. normal operation of the Site and services of the Site.

2.3. Use of the Site materials without the consent of the copyright holders is not allowed. For the lawful use of the materials of the Site it is necessary to conclude license agreements (obtaining licenses) from the Rightsholders.

2.4. When quoting materials from the site, including protected copyrighted works, reference to the Site is required.

2.5. Comments and other records of the User on the Site should not conflict with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and generally accepted norms of morality and ethics.

2.6. The user is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible for visiting and using external resources, links to which may be contained on the site.

2.7. The User accepts the provision that all materials and services of the Site or any part thereof may be accompanied by advertising. The User agrees that the Administration of the Site does not bear any responsibility and has no obligations in connection with such advertising.


3.1. Exchange and return of the Goods (including upon termination of the contract of sale), in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection", is carried out at:
Kyiv, Valery Lobanovsky Avenue (former Chervonozoryany Avenue) 119, BC "Crystal".

Upon receipt of the Goods by mail, the return of such Goods (including upon termination of the contract of sale) is made by mail to the following address:
Kyiv, Valery Lobanovsky Avenue (former Chervonozoryany Avenue) 119, BC "Crystal".

Recipient: a representative of "ZIDIA".

3.2. Upon exchange and return, the Goods should be sent in full, adding to it the following documents:
- Application for exchange or refund, indicating the reasons;
- Act of transfer;
- Warranty card.


4.1. By placing an Order on the Site and / or ticking the appropriate box on the site before filling in their personal data, the User gives his consent to the Administration to collect and process (accumulation, storage, adaptation, restoration, use, dissemination, depersonalization and destruction) of the data specified by him, namely: surname, name, patronymic; Email; phone; address; date and place of birth; ID number; citizenship; availability of benefits; information on registration as a natural person-entrepreneur; information about marriage; information on income and expenses; phone number; place of work and position; work experience; date and reasons for dismissal from previous jobs; information on receiving pensions; marital status; property status (presence of real estate and / or movable property); place of actual residence; place of residence according to state registration; passport data (number, series, by whom and when issued); data on children, including adopted; other data, in order to ensure the implementation of sales relations, relations in the field of consumer protection, in the field of advertising and marketing research, as well as agrees to the transfer (dissemination) of its data LLC "NEW POST" (USREOU 3125503386), other transport - forwarding and courier organizations, any banks and / or financial institutions, and other third parties (without limitation) at the discretion of "ZIDIA". This provision is valid without limitation of validity.

4.2. The source of personal data collection is information provided directly and voluntarily by the User.

4.3. The owner of the personal data provided by the User is "ZIDIA", location: Kyiv, Valery Lobanovsky Ave. (former Chervonozoryany Ave.) 119, BC "Crystal". The database of personal data "Clients" is located at the address: Kyiv, Valeriy Lobanovsky Ave. (former Chervonozoryany Ave.) 119, BC "Kryshtal".

4.4 The personal data subject, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", has the right to: know the sources of collection, location of their personal data, the purpose of their processing, location or residence (stay) of the owner or controller of personal data or give appropriate instructions to receive this information to the persons authorized by him, except in cases established by law; receive information on the conditions for granting access to personal data, in particular information on third parties to whom his personal data is transferred; to access their personal data; receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except as provided by law, an answer as to whether his personal data are processed, as well as receive the content of such personal data; make a reasoned request to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of their personal data; make a reasoned request to change or destroy their personal data by any owner and controller of personal data, if this data is processed illegally or is inaccurate; to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, non-provision or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discredits the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual ; to file complaints about the processing of their personal data to the Commissioner or to the court; apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection; make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process their personal data during the consent; withdraw consent to the processing of personal data; know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data; to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.


5.1. The User has the right to appoint a third party as the Recipient of the purchased Goods. In this case, the Recipient is obliged to indicate in the Order form the data necessary for the identification of the recipient and delivery of the Goods to him. The provisions of Art. 636 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

5.2. To issue the Goods to the Recipient, the latter is obliged to provide upon receipt of the Goods an identity document (passport).

5.3. Upon receipt of the Goods, the Recipient is obliged to sign the documents confirming receipt of the Goods.

5.4. All possible disputes arising from this Agreement or related to it shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

5.5. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as establishing between the User and the Site Administration an agency relationship, a partnership relationship, a joint venture relationship, a personal employment relationship, or any other relationship not expressly provided for in the Agreement.

5.6. The recognition by a court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or not subject to enforcement shall not invalidate other provisions of the Agreement.

5.7. Inaction on the part of the Site Administration in case of violation of the provisions of the Agreement by any User does not deprive the Site Administration of the right to take appropriate actions later to protect their interests and protect the copyrights of the Site materials protected by law. The User confirms that he is familiar with all clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.